Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Please help, mixed signals?:P?

Ok, my friend found out i like her, and she freaked out a little bit so i rang her and explained it was more like i love her like you love family...Its now been like two months. About a month ago she started acting a little funny, like she was being all moody with me and i didn't understand what was going on. she started playing with my mind more...Take thursday for example -

On Thursday she was being all happy around me and smiling at me (which she doesn't normally do) then she started asking me stuff about this youth club thing we do together. and i answered her questions and she was like all happy and chatty. When we got to my house she started talking to my MUM. which she has never done before...It really confused me, and i knew something was going on. When we go to youth club she seemed really excited, she wouldn't come inside and made me wait in the car park with her, then after about five minutes a sliver car pulled in and it was rosie - one of her best mates who i don't get on with very well outside my german lesson - she ignored me all night, and was being a compete and utter retard. She was enjoying herself and chatting to rosie the two of them went off and started talking, but every time rosie looked away she would all ways look at me. normally im right behind her at youth club but on thursday i kept my distance and i think she was confused about it. I was so depressed that when i had dropped chloe off home and got home myself, i tried to kill myself. It didn't work and i guess im glad....

Another example -

Today before school - going to the bus stop - she was being really friendly, probably making up for last night or something, but in PE she kept watching me and smiling. not talking just occasionally looking at me watching me and smiling, I'd smile back but i didn't ever watch her. Then on the bus home she was being all bitchy and sh!t it really confused me. and when i went to her house after school and she was suddenly fine again. She didn't really talk but she she was being nice.

her mood swings are getting out of control. Shes really moody and stuff in front of her mates then when we're alone or with CERTAIN people shes all nice... Shes upset that i cant trust her, and after thursday and past experiences i don't think i will. what should i do? I don't want to drop her as a friend, so don't even bother telling me that.

Please help, any answers im thankful for.

:)|||I don't understand how she's being moody, she hasn't started any fights or suddenly fallen in love with someone. So I think you're over-reacting, I think you should stop watching her like a hawk as she is just a friend and stop trying to figure out why she suddenly started talking to your mother. Maybe its because you've been friends a while and she wanted to introduce herself, maybe she just decided now would be a good time.

She hasn't shown any interest in you otherwise so stop obsessing!|||You worry too much cause you care. Its nice, but she's not acting this way because of you. Stay friends and you'll stay happy

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