Friday, December 9, 2011

I would like to request an experienced dream interpreter to help me understand my dream?

Here is my dream:

1. I was going for a hike in the woods a we were in a small group of people maybe only about 5 or 6 and we were following our group leader (he was like a park ranger or something!). There was a sense of slight urgency as we hiked but I can't quite put my finger on it... the urgency was due to a combination of the threat of bad weather and diminishing sunlight! I can remember the weather being overcast and grayish!

2. We were hiking up a slope when ahead of us there was a wildfire! it was a big raging wild fire! Trees were burning down and animals were trying to escape! The weird thing was that despite this danger it was still relatively safe for us to continue hiking, because the fire was burning in a manner that traveled away from us! To put it another way, the fire was moving forwards away from us and so all we had to do was follow it and follow the path of destruction and ashes that it left behind!

3. What was also weird was that behind us there was no fire but there was the threat of rain... At one stage I remember looking behind me and noticed that there was water running towards us... it was as if there was rain somewhere in the distance that created a stream of water that was gradually trickling towards us.

4. So what I felt was that we had to hike in a very controlled manner! We couldn't go too fast because of the fire ahead of us and we couldn't go to slowly because of the possible flood and wetness!! (BTW - this strikes me as a profound contrast of symbols! Fire and Water!!)

5. At one stage I noticed that there was a dinosaur (a big one with a long thin neck) that was in the fire being burned... I saw it run towards me as it tried to escape the fire... it managed to escape as it ran towards the water/gray weather section that was behind me!

6. There was one other crucial element in this dream! But this is where it gets confusing and the time line of the dream gets all mixed up (like a Quentin Tarantino movie)... after that episode that I described above... my dream goes back to the stage at which we as a group were about to embark on our hike!! Back to the point were we were getting ready to go for this hike!

7. I remember the weather being sunny and bright! I remember choosing the right pair of shoes for my hike! And I also remember a former girlfriend of mine being present! (a former flame if you will! LOL! - actually in real life our relationship was unfortunately very fleeting and short!)

8. She was part of this group, but my romantic feelings towards her were skeptical! It was like the early stages of something where each person is scoping out the potential of their friendship turning into a relationship!!


Anyway if you bothered to read all of that then I thank you immensely! Please share your thoughts! and help me understand this! Thank you!|||try|||nobody has ever successfully interpreted dreams|||Hmm it sounds like an interesting dream .

Maybe you were just in a state of peace

and calmness .

Also about the Dinosaur thing maybe your

imagination was also running as well :)

And for your former girlfriend , maybe it tells

you still have feelings towards her ?

I am not an Expert but I am just stating my opinions on

how I view this :)

I hope I somehow helped . OH yes , also maybe

it also means you should take a nice walk ? :)|||Hiking in a dream represents aligning with nature and doing what is natural to you in your waking life. But you had some kind of guide which means you are following someone else's path in your life. There was a sense of urgency because of a threat of bad weather which is a "stormy" situation in your waking life and diminishing sunlight which is your loss of insight. The overcast condition is a state of oncoming sadness or lack of enlightenment.

The wildfire indicates that you have lost complete control in some aspect of your life. It was burning ahead of you which means that you are just one step away from feeling its effects. You walked through the burned areas which means that you are living your life in the wake of emotional devastation of some sort. You followed this path because you have, on some level, learned to get used to this condition of your life.

Behind you was the rain, or your search for new insights about your life. It threatened a flood behind you which means you are caught somewhere between turmoil and enlightenment. The two are controlling how you "hike" through your waking life.

The dinosaur represents ideas you may have that no longer serve any purpose for your greater good. It was burned up in the fire which means you are attempting to change your views about ideas you have had in the past.

Then you returned to the beginning which was a better beginning than the first. Bright and sunny means that your mind is starting to become clearer. You want to begin again with a fresh perspective.

The girl in the dream doesn't necessarily represent herself, but maybe the way she made you feel in that short relationship is the way you would like to feel in the present time.

This dream is telling you that you are grappling with some terrible problems you may have had in the past and you are trying to move forward in a natural way, but you are struggling between the past and a brighter future. You are trying to eliminate all the ideas (dinosaurs) that kept you trapped in the past, and you want to move forward but you may fear more turmoil ahead. You are attempting to start over (with a new hike) in your life with a clearer perspective. The girl is there in the dream to remind you of the possibilities of feeling great about your life, and the clear weather at the end is a very positive sign that the proverbial clouds are moving out inside your mind. This was a very positive dream for you.

How can I encourage my 2 cats to get along?

I have had my one cat for about 5 years now. He was a starving stray I found at a park when he was still an older kitten. He has a great life now and is an indoor/outdoor cat that comes in and out as he pleases day and night. He likes being out a lot in warm weather but stays inside most of the time during the cold months.

Now another stray has come to my home and I adopted this one too. It's also a male. My other male is neutered and I'm going to be getting my new one neutered very soon. The new one looks to be fully grown even though when he first came I believe he was just growing out of still being a kitten.

At first the two of them seem to tolerate one another. Now it goes back and forth as to who dislikes who. Both come in and out as they please. They keep their distance most of the time outside even though I have seen them lying around just a few feet apart just resting comfortably every now and then. I have seen or hear them fighting off and on. It never lasts very long, just little fights in which they make a lot of noise. I have been checking them for injuries and do not see any. The one is pure white and it would be easy to spot anything on him. Sometimes one will start it and sometimes the other will start it. It varies. If they pass each other when both want to come in, they will usually growl and hiss at one another. I don't know if they would actually fight if I left them alone or not when they do that since I always make them stop this behavior when they do it around me.

I can tolerate the situation right now because it is warm weather and both want out most of the time, but I worry what is going to happen when it gets colder and both of them have to come inside the house and be in close quarters with one another. Do you have any ideas of what I can do to get these cats to get along much better with one another. Several cat owners told me to just let them work it out on their own, but I don't want one of them dominating and controlling everything while the other ends up hiding in fear. Any help would be appreciated.|||it will settle down a lot when the other one is neutered. They is a lot of peer fighting doing on whre the younger one is trying to get one over on your existing cat.

Feed them together and provide treats so that they associate being together with nice things.|||They were both strays and its hard to do any kind of animal introducing, them being at an older age just makes things more difficult. Neutering might help, but the proper way to introduce cats is by putting the new on into the bathroom for a couple of weeks until they get used to the smells of the house. You going in there and providing them with food and love will help them to bond to you. Other animals in the house will meet each other safely, under the door. It is easier to do this when the cats are indoor cats, but because yours come and go as they please, there is really nothing you can do.|||it is because your old cat is used to the attention and Ur new cat is taking some... therefore they will fight let them fight it out if they start getting intense then separate the fight and they will eventually get along... also make sure they both get the same attention|||When two animals don't like each other they just don't like each other they will learn to settle their differences if not your going to have to get rid of one.|||You need to read Pamela Johnson-Bennett's books about cat behavior. Start with Think Like a Cat and Starting From Scratch. Here is her website also:

What is the message of this story in your opinion?

The Window"

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the outside world. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake, the man had said. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Lovers walked arm in arm amid flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Unexpectedly, an alien thought entered his head: Why should hehave all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see anything? It didn't seem fair. As the thought fermented, the man felt ashamed at first. But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour. He began to brood and found himself unable to sleep. He should be by that window - and that thought now controlled his life.

Late one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, the man by the window began to cough. He was choking on the fluid in his lungs. The other man watched in the dimly lit room as the struggling man by the window groped for the button to call for help. Listening from across the room, he never moved, never pushed his own button which would have brought the nurse running. In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence--deathly silence.

The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When she found the lifeless body of the man by the window, she was saddened and called the hospital attendant to take it away--no words, no fuss. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it all himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.|||In my opinion...I believe you should never have hatred for anyone. Only God knew the other man’s intention. He could not see what was really in the man’s heart but he became envious for example:

Feeling, expressing, or characterised by envy: "At times he regarded the wounded soldiers in an envious way.... He wished that he, too, had a wound, a red badge of courage" (Stephen Crane).

He wanted that what he had and could not take it anymore, eventually leading to the other persons death. It also come in the category of jealousy which is:

1. suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival a jealous lover

2. (often post positive and full by of) resentful (of) or vindictive (towards), esp through envy a child jealous of his brother.

I can understand his frustration but he should have been patient and god always helps the patient ones. He should now turn to repentance and ask god to forgive him for his sinful act of envy which led to a human beings death.

In the end for all his efforts of seeing through the window “he faced a blank wall.”|||What a beautiful poignant story.

Did you write this yourself?

If you did, you have a talent.|||Personally, I think the narrative's use of negative space, or 'downbeat dialogue,' is used to represent the duality of man--an interpretation reinforced by the thematic mirroring of symbolism split betwixt the two main characters. The Window itself represents a character in the third, an old Italian technique known as "del trio en muerdo," or the 'dead third' as the inanimate third object that represents a third character is often called. The Window offers a glimpse in the eldritch past of one of the men, the blind man recalling the vainglory of days long gone. His sins boil to the surface and he uses his compatriot as a sounding board, a priest of sorts, on which to unburden his dying soul. For the other man, the Window represents a glimpse into an arabesque future, where anything is possible including a new beginning for his life (as shown in the metaphor of playing children). However, the reality of his terminal situation is revealed to him only after his foil's departure, the bricks in the window each representing a different, individual regret of his for an action not taken: a love not loved, a god not followed, an assignment not completed by himself but by others for though the bricks in the wall were of his own making, the wall itself was built, and reinforced, by a society determined to keep him caged in willful ignorance.

did i write a goods story?

are assignment is to write a story that has some type of moral or tone. please comment

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the outside world. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake, the man had said. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Lovers walked arm in arm amid flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Unexpectedly, an alien thought entered his head: Why should hehave all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see anything? It didn't seem fair. As the thought fermented, the man felt ashamed at first. But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour. He began to brood and found himself unable to sleep. He should be by that window - and that thought now controlled his life.

Late one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, the man by the window began to cough. He was choking on the fluid in his lungs. The other man watched in the dimly lit room as the struggling man by the window groped for the button to call for help. Listening from across the room, he never moved, never pushed his own button which would have brought the nurse running. In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence--deathly silence.

The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When she found the lifeless body of the man by the window, she was saddened and called the hospital attendant to take it away--no words, no fuss. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it all himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.

Moral of the story:

The pursuit of happiness is a matter of is a positive attitude we consciously choose to express. It is not a gift that gets delivered to our doorstep each morning, nor does it come through the window. And I am certain that our circumstances are just a small part of what makes us joyful. If we wait for them to get just right, we will never find lasting joy.

The pursuit of happiness is an inward journey. Our minds are like programs, awaiting the code that will determine behaviors; like bank vaults awaiting our deposits. If we regularly deposit positive, encouraging, and uplifting thoughts, if we continue to bite our lips just before we begin to grumble and complain, if we shoot down that seemingly harmless negative thought as it germinates, we will find that there is much to rejoice about|||Fantastic story!!!!!!!!!!!|||I think it's really good. It kept my interest the whole time (which isn't very easy to accomplish) having no more than a 3 second attention span i have to say this was a good Story.....;%26gt;|||I love it, but if the man not by the window can't hear the parade how can he hear the window man talking? :)|||Think it's pretty okay. I can see where the style is coming from. Why don't you use names? That might make this more specific.

Have you read Flannery O'Connor? That's one type of moral fiction that is very powerful. This is one of her stories.鈥?/a>

I suggest you read it first then read on...

It's not quite a perfect fit with yours, but things you might think about:

Notice how here the real names of the characters take a back seat to their roles, which gives the story something of the effect you're striving for. And yet everything is so clear to the mind's eye/ear/whatever.

How well the scenes and people are described, and how the characters' mannerisms flesh them out into real people. We can really see and feel them- and she does this in so little space. And the little details really help make it seem real. You'll notice this particularly at the end with details like the shirt.

How she communicates emotion through an objective narrator. This makes the reader notice less that the narrator is guiding the reader towards some particular reaction.

This piece may be good for a spoken presentation, but if the people it's meant for are going to be actually reading it, trying to pick up O'Connor's skill set may be useful.

Constant lies from ex almost killed my reputation?

Long story short I was with this guy for 2 years. he was mentally abusive, controlling, a major cheater and I dumped him for good when I found out he had statutory rape charges and a bunch of other stuff and he wouldnt leave me alone, he would come to my work and to my house and stay parked outside all night so I got a restraining order. He was mad b/c I found a new boyfriend so he blogged a whole website about me saying bad rumors like that im a prostitute and just stupid stuff like that. Well, two months later I go to a big party with my boyfriend who I haven't seen in a while since he lives out of state and my friends and I were talking about long distance r-ships. They were just saying how some work out and some can't and my bf said "Well its good I have a gf who I can trust to live far away from me" and these 2 girls that I dont even know, have only met once for a second, they are young girls who my ex had cheated with.. one of them said infront of everyone, "Why dont you tell him about all the guys you slept with for money and drugs?" I was shocked by what she said and resisted w everything in me the urge toknock her out. I just laughed and said, "Really and who told you that, (exes name) who picked you up at the playground?" She didn't really say anything and I told her to leave and they did b/c everyone pretty much kicked them out. My bf didn't care ab the comment and I was really upset b/c of how it would make me look and he just hugged me and said he doesn't care what she said that he knows im telling the truth and that its all lies. Why do I have to put up with this immature behaviour from a bitter ex? Now I have alot of ppl who barely kno me thinking all this stuff about me... :/|||this sounds like a terrible situation. i know its hard, but who cares what those other people think..they dont know you and dont let them get to you. people in this word are too quick to judge something they know nothing about, thats their downfall. dont let it be yours. as for the ex i agree with the slander charges:)|||Well, this sounds really rough, just ignore him, just try to be the same as always, these people barely know you, be yourself, and they should change how they feel quickly. To me, after hearing that, you still seem like a nice person, keep your head up and just be yourself, sorry if I make no sense. -.-|||I'm so sorry all that happened. :( That sounds really tough, well your new boyfriend sounds kind. I say just hope that it will wear away after time, and if its a blog, you can try to get it shut down. I'm not sure how, but thats a hate forum and that might be illegal. Good luck though, sorry this happened!|||just ignore it and dont let it get to you.

if they see it doesnt bother you, they wont pursue it..

itll die off soon :)|||slander is againt the law. If you feel strongly.. get an attorney and sue to jerk. It will suit his mouth and his wallet.|||Sounds like you hang out with a trashy bunch hon.

What is at parties?alcohol and drugs.

Who was at the party? 2 hoochies your ex had cheated with.

Think about it.Why WOULDN'T they have believed your ex?Get a copy of the things he said online print it off and go to the police,they can "have a talk with him".You can also take him to court for this.

Problem with Girlfriend's Parents 10 points best answer!!?

Please bear with my story, so my Girlfriend and I have been together for 6 months now and we are in love, happy, and want to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Well anyways her and I have gone well through our long distance relationship as she is a freshman in college and I'm still in high school. We would talk everyday and I would visit her everytime she gets back. While she is off in college, I have stayed close to her family by helping her parents and watching her siblings everyday after school. Her parents and I used to be so close that I'd go places with her mother (shopping, massages) and help her dad around the house. Well last month when she returned for Thanksgiving, I stayed over at her house everyday she was there. My parents were okay with me staying but decided the last day that I had to come home because my parents were fighting with each other. They called her parents and her dad ended up taking me home. When we arrived, my dad talked to hers and said that I was grounded because my mom was angry with me. My mom's anger was short-lived however and I was not grounded. But when I tried talking to my girlfriend's parents, they refused talking to me, questioning that something suspicious was going on. My girlfriend got discouraged and I felt bad so I asked my dad if I could see her in college. I ended up going without my mother knowing and my girlfriend and I shared the most amazing weekend of our lives. However after returning home, her parents found out and were extremely frustrated to the point they would talk to my family finally. Well my dad refused to admit he gave me permission and her parents now think my family is all a bunch of liars and they don't believe a word I say because I didn't tell them or my mom. My girlfriend is 18 and I'm 17 and I only had the intent of seeing her so that we could be happy and spend time. Her parents were angry for not telling them but they wouldn't talk to me even if I tried asking them prior to going. So now, her parents are trying to break us up and threatening her college fund and shunning her from the family if she does not break up with me. My girlfriend and I also can't talk for three months according to her parent's wishes. I do admit what I did was wrong but I had no intention of any harm. Her parents have refused to let me come over or my parents to consult with them. It was to the point where they once gave me the key to there house, and now they stated they have changed the locks. They are controlling everything my girlfriend does and she believes they are doing it because they love her and are protecting her and also she has no choice but to listen or she can't go back to college in another city. Just yesterday, she was allowed to hang out with her close friends of 7 years and her parents knew them well. Her best friends are in college and make wonderful grades, they are great people. Well anyways when they hung out, my girlfriend's dad was stalking them and was angry because they left to go get a bite to eat and play at the park. Now her own best friends aren't allowed to see her anymore with her parents saying that they are not worthy enough to be their daughter's friends. Also, my girlfriend's dream job is to be in journalism or teach linguistics and her parents want her to become a doctor just like them. It is winter break now and her whole family controls her and the worst part is that her parents threaten her and make her feel guilty to the point where she is scared and has to believe what they are saying. My girlfriend says that it is best for us to wait until the future when we are financially independent to try and be together but until then we can't see each other until I go to her college in a year and a half, and I can't talk to her for 3 months. I don't know what to do. I was really close to her parents, I made all A's and have wonderful grades, I'm on track to wanting to become a dentist as her parents want her to marry a doctor. I don't know what to do and her friends now are worried and upset at her parents because of their control. Any advice please?? thank you for bearing with my story by the way :P|||I would suggest since you seem like an Intelligent and great boyfriend to this girl to wait things out... Let the parents cool off and everything will work out.. Seem nice and pleasant every time you can come over..also show them respect when you see them. Shake the fathers hand with a firm grip... Parents want the best for their children to be successful in this world and if they find someone unfit or distracting to their little princess they will shun them.|||Do whats best for you! your not or shouldn't be living you life to please them.|||your 17 she 18, explain to the parents. your about to become an adult they shouldn't need to watch over you like a little kid anymore. explain how you feel about that to them and maybe they will lay off a little. almost all the time when it come to that point in life if your dating someone older or younger than you and your 17 or 18 (in your case 17 dating someone older) these things happen when your starting to go to different school's try that all wait it out until you can see her again you sound madly in love and same with her so just try anything to make it together with each other.|||it simple all you have to do is write them this whole story...

and watch as they commit suicide....jkJK

just live life and relaxe everything will settle down slow....

鈥?/a>|||Sounds like you have done pretty much everything right, if you really love this girl and see her in your future, also knowing that she wants that too, then you should go to their house or ask the girl herself like maybe through text or call her, and just ask if you can sit down with her parents and talk to them. Be honest with them, and tell them the truth and be respectful, they will understand it, if you are honest with them. Good Luck!!

Do you think my friend likes me?

I understand it might look long but its not a dumb question, and anyone who reads it and gives any advice thank you.

I have known her for 5 months, we met at school. After the first week I asked her if she wanted to hangout and she said sure but I could tell it was just to be nice. So we never hung out. Then about a month later she tells me Im not the guy she thought I was Im real sweet and not a jerk. Then she said lets hangout so we have been hanging out alot the last two months. Every time we hangout it feels like we are out on a date. We agree on almost anything, always help each other when were down and can talk about anything. Lately she has been complimenting me alot more and hugging me whenever I say bye. We flirt sometimes. Then last night we hung out at the park, then went to get something to eat, and then say a movie really late. We have had some physical contact before. But yesterday when we were in the movie theater she all the sudden layed her head on my leg and I put my arm on her shoulder, and later on she told me to lay on her lap and she put her arms around me and started rubbing her hands through my hair. It was weird because nothing felt awkward. And this morning she texts me saying I had a dream we were hanging out together. I like her but she has a bf who goes to school long distance and she has talked about breaking up with him, he annoys her and is controlling. Wants her to stay in her house all day. I always ask her you sure its ok if we hangout, She says don't worry what he thinks cause I told him I need my space. I will never let anything sexual between us happen as long as she is in a relationship. She said we have to do this again soon. I don't know what to do since she has a bf.|||assurance should come first before commiting to a more intimate relationship.if you could wait a little longer for her to break up with the other guy then that's not a problem...but never give in to just having her telling you not to mind the other guy..worse things come anytime..much better to clarify everything before giving in more..she likes you but she needs to give herself time now to think what she should do with the other guy...