Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can I go to jail for this?

I was driving home from school, I see a lady who doesn't move her 1999 Lexus GS400, her emergency lights were on and I wait for 7-9 seconds and someone behind me sound his horn, I was about to do that but he did it first. I overtake her going under 10 mph (her emergency lights were on and that's why I overtook her), I left enough distance and my back wheel went on a curb. Then all of a sudden she made a left turn and she hit into me. I didn't really feel the accident, to me it felt like I drove over a small hole on the road. I really didn't know if that was an accident or not so I decide to drive home and check my car out later for any damages. During then, I knew that there was no way that I could've hit her Lexus. So after 6 seconds later she chased me and I didn't realize why she was chasing me until I finally realize that their might've been an accident. So after that I enter another neighborhood to make a U-turn to come back home, but this lady was traveling way to close to me, almost bumper to bumper distance, we came near a sharp turn and my car started fishtailing. Then I was really scared and almost lost control and hit an oncoming car, but luckily I didn't and I finally pulled over, I then realized that I couldn't get home. Finally she called the cops as well as the firetruck and the ambulance, the lady did have some blood pressure issue, so did I (mine went up to 156/124). The cop only asked me two questions, If I was hurt or not and he asked me what happened. The problem was I wasn't able to explain because I was too shaky %26amp; scared at that moment. The cops talked to the lady for more than 12 minutes and for me only a minute and after that he gave me a misdemeanor charge for hit and run. After the accident, I did find out that she had to go to the emergency room because of her high blood pressure.

But after that incident 2 friends of mine who saw the accident said that I was right to overtake her because she looked as if she was trying to park her car near a house and her emergency flashers were on as well. Also her brake lights were not on. They also saw that the car was very close to the curb. They said that I maintained enough distance while overtaking her and she REALLY did make a left turn, she was also looking to the left when I overtook her. The problem is that she told the cops and my insurance company that I hit her and I ran away, I am schedule at court today. My insurance rates did go up because of this and nothing happened to her. My insurance did pay for her medical expenses.

My main questions are:

1. Who would you say that is at fault?

2. If you were the judge what would you do?

3. Can you please suggest me something, some advice for this case or to avoid the consequences?

4. What is the chance of this case being dismissed? ****** (Please tell me this)

Can Someone tell me what I should do now?????

Sorry this is very long but I really need your help, any opinions are welcome. I am a good 18 year old student who has never gotten into trouble with the law except for this one. Thanks!!!


My dad did find out that the district attorney was very stricted or something like very serious. but if my case was presented today, I was going to be sentenced 6 months in jail. Could that be possible???

this was something I did not commit especially I did not hit her in any way but the problem is that I am 18 years old and no one would listen to my story.

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!|||TELL THEM EVERYTHING YOU POSTED HERE............Just because you were shaken up is why they were believing her story...Take a deep breath and when that day comes tell them everything above....This women sounds like she is off her rocker and is probably TOO OLD TO BE DRIVING

Next time that happens get out of your car CHECK RIGHT AWAY and call the cops....People like to believe old people over todays youth anyway even if they won't admit to it (i'm 15 and i have good credibility and i got blamed for breaking into cars and guess what i was never near the parking lot up until the day they questioned me)....I was calm and they listened to my story and because of that i was let go without charges and they found the real culprit..hes in jail for that and selling Weed for 4 more years|||this is terrablie !|||don't drop the soap|||just say what really happened you'll be fine|||Depending on the State and your criminal history would determine if you go to jail. If she had bodily injury or or had died, you'd be in a real problem. A hit and run just the same is not good. Also, your friend telling you you could overtake her could be very wrong. If you were in a no passing lane you would lose that fight.

The first thing the prosecutor is gonna ask you is " If she was stopped with her flashers on, why didn't you assist" Already you'll be painted as an uncaring individual.

But do not listen to me or anyone else. Get yourself an attorney, this women may try to sue for pain and suffering. If you think 6 months in the can is rough. Get your pay check attached for who knows how long to pay off her panic attack.|||it is possible but highly unlikely, just make sure that when you are in court you give your side of the story and have your friends accounts to back you up. something similar happend to my dad when he was about 22 and he hired a lawyer to help becuase no one would listen to him.. it turned out the old cow had been scamming the insurance companies all along doing tricks like what happend to you. you may still get a fine for a hit and run tho no matter what but just make sure that when you go to court you are on your best behavior and dress very maturely do not act juvinelle as that will not help you at all. the best you can hope for is a judge who sees how honest you are and that you are not some punk 18 yr old and will listen to you.|||You don't need help from anyone on YA. You need a lawyer.

You left the scene of an accident. You're beat. Guilty. This is the 2nd time I answered this question. Don't waste your time with us. GET A LAWYER.|||The first thing is talk to a lawyer (your own NOT hers) Next contact your witnesses, make sure they can be in court with you, How is your driving record?? If it's not that good you may have a problem, go over your testimony in your head and then out loud (as if you are talking to the judge.) Be concise, don't ramble. Take pictures of the damage to your car, Dress NICELY get a haircut if need be. Show respect ask your questions of the officer in a methodical manner.If the other driver states anything that is not the truth don't interrupt her testimony.

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