Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is the independent, dependent and controlled variable?

In this situation:

A group of boys planned and conducted an experiment in the park. Using ten boys, they measured the distance walked by each boy every two seconds for ten seconds while carrying a heavy mass and then again without the mass.

What is the independent, depended and controlled variable in this experiment?|||Independent variable ~ "mass"

Dependent variable ~ distance walked

Controlled variable ~ the time, the weight of the "mass"|||The independent variable was whether they were carrying the mass or not.

The dependent variable was the distance walked.

The controlled variable...well, technically, there's a whole lot of controlled variables but I think the answer they're looking for is the amount of time.|||Independent variable: the boys

Dependent variable: Distant walked

Controlled variable: The heavy mass

I think that's correct.|||Hey - In any experiment, the independent variable would be the one you actively change to record data...So for example, if you were measuring how the oscillation of a spring would change with different amounts of mass attached to its end, the independent variable would be the mass - because thats the one you actively change.

Similarly, if you were trying to see how the voltage in a circuit would change with different amounts of resistance, then the resistance would be your independent variable...Essentially - its what you 'change'

The dependent variable is what varies as you change the independent variable.

The controlled variable is what you keep constant throughout...So in the electricity experiment mentioned above, one controlled variable would be temperature...because temperature can affect how the voltage changes..In other words, you are controlling the temperature to be stable because it affects the voltage - you are trying to find what direct effect the resistance has on voltage, and therefore you dont want another variable affecting it.|||The dependent variable is whats being measured. In this case, its the distance walked by each boy.

The independent variable is whats being changed. In this case, the 'heavy mass'

The controlled variable is fairly obvious, its what your controlling. In this case, each boy is walking for 10 seconds.|||The independent variable is the time passed

The controlled variable is the mass held during the walks

The dependent variable is the distance walked

x axis = time

y axis = distance

You will have two plotted lines.

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