Friday, December 2, 2011

Who has tried a good shock collar for a small dog? I need recommendations.?

WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY AND MUSCLE PROBLEMS i can't exactly chase down my dog and he runs really fast to go bark his head off at someone. He's a rat terrier/chihua mix im guessing by his 8lb size and ear/ features. Need something for long distance as well as being small enough for his neck. Because he's a black dog he seems more vicious and he barks like a bigger dog too so he comes off like a scary dog. He has scared older pple or kids and it's getting on my nerves. I've tried hitting on nose or butt and even kettle time out but it's not working. It tends to happen when he runs out of the house thinking we okayed it or when he jumps out of the car. He dsn't go out very often to freely roam cuz he's not sociable with other dogs or pple at all ( unless he gets to know them first and he dsn't like pple usually when he first meets them) I want my dog to have some freedom. Dog parks don't work cuz he dsn't get along with any dog unless it's smaller than him and usually a girl. Never met a dog like him he's aggressive and i really think he needs a shock or two. He learns fast cuz when i muzzle him he mopes and gives me the puppy eyes and won't move until till i take it off. He knows when im going to put it on and he chills out a lot but that only works at home. Another thing i've used is "pop its" which are the little paper filled gunpowder than pops when u hit it on the ground. Scares the heck out of him yet when he runs to fast away from me can't reach him in time to throw one near him so he stops. Trust me it's not abuse when ur dog seriously has issues. Got him at 1 year old so he grew up with 5 other big dogs and slept outside. He's too protective and dn't like him making kids cry it's embarrassing. someone help me if you have had experience with a good shock collar WITH LONG DISTANCE reception prefer a remote so i can control to shocking cuz i don't want him to be shocked when he sneezes cuz he sneezes rather violently.|||Tri-Tronics, DT, and Dogtra are the best brands. I know that DT makes a good one for smaller dogs. It's very important to control the dog that likes to run...ask your vet or a local trainer for help on learning to use the collar properly. Hunting season is starting soon in my area, and local reps from these manufacturers can be found nearly any weekend in Sept. and Oct. teaching free training classes, and showing you how to properly use the collar.

These collars can SAVE the life of your dog by helping you train him to stay close. Some breeds are big runners, and some love to escape. This IS A TRAINING TOOL, not a replacement for training. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for using it. I HAVE shocked myself with a collar, and while it's mighty uncomfortable, it's not deadly or harmful in any way. The problem with these collars is with people who don't know how to use them...I've seen many a ruined hunting dog from being zapped at the wrong time for the wrong thing. Learn how to use it, and you'll be glad you bought it.|||I don't think that you or the person you chose for BA understands that shock collars can be dangerous on medium or large dogs when used in the wrong way but DEADLY for small dogs. If you use a shock collar on a small dog you should be arrested for animal abuse.

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You don't use shock collars on small dogs.

You use proper training techniques.

You shouldn't have a dog if you're not going to care for it properly. You should NEVER use pop-its to discipline a dog.

Jeez!|||You wanna use a shock collar because you have medical issues? I think you should give the dog to somebody else.|||I personally would not recommend a shock collar at all.

Sounds to me like you need to put this dog into some obedience,or behavioral classes for dogs.

Also,making loud noises is not going to stop him from barking at other people. It's only going to scare him.

And that is bull.

You CAN train your dog,any dog can be trained at any age pretty much. You wouldnt know if you havent even TRIED to take him to training classes.

Dog's don't have to understand what we are saying to train them. You obviously don't know much at all about dogs and training them.|||What does him being a black dog have to do with him being more vicious and barking more? Try the collar on yourself first - then invest in a dog trainer!|||No shock collars especially for small dogs. Some rescues won't even adopt out to people if they know they are going to use shock collars.

Try obedience classes or have someone build a fence.|||鈥?/a>

Here, nothing is impossible if you know how!

Hope I helped.|||You have not trained this dog and you want to punish him for not knowing what to do because you have medical issues? I accept that you may be finding your dog hard work with these injuries but I think you should rehome him. Shock collars can harm the dog's neck, and they don't work. In most cases they CAUSE aggression. If you don't believe me, put one around your neck and bark/press the button. Please, these are so inhumane, just don't. It IS abuse because it's causing unnecessary pain! My old dog barked his head off and I sorted it with training.|||You're letting an untrained dog run around loose, and you think that shocking him, hitting him, and scaring him with loud noises is going to help?! Are you serious? Your dog needs actual training (and no, none of the "methods" you have described have anything to do with training), and he needs to be kept on a leash when outside of the house or fenced yard.|||The "pop its" are going to contribute to long term problems. Like most answering, you either need to go to training with your dog, or check out some books. How is the dog accessing the outdoors at a whim? If there is no fence available to your yard, then keep him on a leash. Is this dog fixed? A non-neutered dog can be more aggressive towards other males.

If you are unable to care for this dog then you should give him up to a shelter, or to someone who can take care of him. It isn't that hard to look up training methods, which I doubt you have done. Otherwise you would know the errors to your "consequences," and like what has been said, how the dog has no idea what you are punishing it for. You would also know that physical abuse does not register with a dog, and that you are just going to make it more afraid and more aggressive towards others.|||1.I have a problem that a small breed was left outside to live

2.why not keep him on a lead

3.shock collars,omg,train him

4.maybe its time to re home him

I can`t imagine how he must of been bullied in the beginning with your big dogs,no wonder he is barking and going crazy

he needs someone to take care of him and train him,not be left outside..

find him a home,I do understand you have a med condition,but is it fair to shock a dog when it wasn`t his fault to start?|||You never use a shock collar on a small breed dog. I don't agree with shock collars anyway, for any breed.Stop hitting your dog! That's ABUSE! He's scared because he has not been properly socialized and trained. You can't keep up with your dog and he's getting on your nerves, then rehome it to someone who can take proper care of him.. Another thing, those Pop It's, can cause permanent hearing loss in your dog. Stop using them! They are useless anyway and only scare the dog which does not solve the problem. Your dog has issues, because you have not properly socialized and trained him and hitting him is Abuse and only makes him more aggressive and afraid of you. You don't sound like you are ready for a dog. You are not taking proper care of yours! If you are a TROLL then go somewhere else. This is Not funny!

ADD: Last resort is to surrender this poor dog to the vet, so they can find it a home that will be able to properly train and take care of it. He's capable of being a good dog, but with your disability and your training skills, you are incapable. Rehoming him would be the best way to go, for his sake!|||shock him! SSSSSHHHHHHOOOCK HIM! SSSHHH SSSHHH SSHHHHHOOOOOCK HIM! FFFFIIIIRE!|||Sorry but a shock collar would not work...and each time you let him off his leash your breaking the law....if he bites someone you can be sued for everything you got! I think you need to go to classes to train him or give him to someone else. I know you love your dog but popping those things at him is considered abuse. You can get into real trouble for that. jeez some people shouldnt have dogs! I have a chihuahua rat terrier and a chihuahua....they dont act like that.....ohh wait thats because I took time to train them!!!!|||Shock collars and small dogs just don't mix, unless you want the dog to have medical problems as well.

Why have you not just trained this dog? All of the behavior issues you have mentioned are there because you did not train your dog. He is not aggressive, he is unsocialized. He is not dangerous, he is out of control, because you allowed it.

Take the $100 or so that you would spend on a remote trainer and enroll yourself in a training class. If you can't do that, you need to give the dog to someone who can care for him. He does not deserve to be shocked because you can't handle him-that is not fair to the dog.

There is nothing more frustrating than someone who wants to shock their dog because they neglected its training.|||Yes you should they learn quick not to run off... Trust me i have bostons there small dogs.... and they learned like the snap of a finger

its easy trust me.... Your welcome :]

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