Friday, December 9, 2011

Constant lies from ex almost killed my reputation?

Long story short I was with this guy for 2 years. he was mentally abusive, controlling, a major cheater and I dumped him for good when I found out he had statutory rape charges and a bunch of other stuff and he wouldnt leave me alone, he would come to my work and to my house and stay parked outside all night so I got a restraining order. He was mad b/c I found a new boyfriend so he blogged a whole website about me saying bad rumors like that im a prostitute and just stupid stuff like that. Well, two months later I go to a big party with my boyfriend who I haven't seen in a while since he lives out of state and my friends and I were talking about long distance r-ships. They were just saying how some work out and some can't and my bf said "Well its good I have a gf who I can trust to live far away from me" and these 2 girls that I dont even know, have only met once for a second, they are young girls who my ex had cheated with.. one of them said infront of everyone, "Why dont you tell him about all the guys you slept with for money and drugs?" I was shocked by what she said and resisted w everything in me the urge toknock her out. I just laughed and said, "Really and who told you that, (exes name) who picked you up at the playground?" She didn't really say anything and I told her to leave and they did b/c everyone pretty much kicked them out. My bf didn't care ab the comment and I was really upset b/c of how it would make me look and he just hugged me and said he doesn't care what she said that he knows im telling the truth and that its all lies. Why do I have to put up with this immature behaviour from a bitter ex? Now I have alot of ppl who barely kno me thinking all this stuff about me... :/|||this sounds like a terrible situation. i know its hard, but who cares what those other people think..they dont know you and dont let them get to you. people in this word are too quick to judge something they know nothing about, thats their downfall. dont let it be yours. as for the ex i agree with the slander charges:)|||Well, this sounds really rough, just ignore him, just try to be the same as always, these people barely know you, be yourself, and they should change how they feel quickly. To me, after hearing that, you still seem like a nice person, keep your head up and just be yourself, sorry if I make no sense. -.-|||I'm so sorry all that happened. :( That sounds really tough, well your new boyfriend sounds kind. I say just hope that it will wear away after time, and if its a blog, you can try to get it shut down. I'm not sure how, but thats a hate forum and that might be illegal. Good luck though, sorry this happened!|||just ignore it and dont let it get to you.

if they see it doesnt bother you, they wont pursue it..

itll die off soon :)|||slander is againt the law. If you feel strongly.. get an attorney and sue to jerk. It will suit his mouth and his wallet.|||Sounds like you hang out with a trashy bunch hon.

What is at parties?alcohol and drugs.

Who was at the party? 2 hoochies your ex had cheated with.

Think about it.Why WOULDN'T they have believed your ex?Get a copy of the things he said online print it off and go to the police,they can "have a talk with him".You can also take him to court for this.

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