Friday, December 9, 2011

Help! drivers ed! 75 questions and stuck on a few! helP!?

16. Although, as a driver, you must always be watching for pedestrians crossing your path, pedestrians SHOULD walk (1 point)

on the far left side of the road.

facing traffic.

with the flow of traffic.

on the yellow line.

17. Using your turn signals indicates which kind of roadway communication? (1 point)





18. Most of the time at complex intersections, left turn lanes are controlled by (1 point)

a stop sign.

a left-turn arrow sign.

a green left-turn signal.

a police officer.

19. Interchanges are (1 point)

toll roads.

where toll roads cross.

where one major freeway crosses another road.

where one major freeway crosses another road.

20. The following vehicles have the right-of-way at a roundabout: (1 point)

vehicles approaching the roundabout.

vehicles in the circulating lanes.

only vehicles in the left circulating lane of the roundabout.

only vehicles in the right circulating lane of the roundabout.

21. Lower traffic interchanges without special constraints usually use (1 point)

cloverleaf interchanges.

diamond interchanges.

trumpet interchanges.

toll interchanges.

22. Good drivers interact safely with different types of traffic by (1 point)

being alert to the possible actions of others.

driving quickly to avoid danger.

staying close to all other traffic.

covering their brakes.

23. Ground viewing is (1 point)

looking at the road in front of your vehicle.

searching beneath parked cars for signs of movement.

looking at the fields of a farm.

looking to the left side of the road.

24. The problem of animals on the roadway is particularly serious from (1 point)

6 PM to 10 PM.

6 AM to 10 AM.

sunset to sunrise.

sunrise to sunset.

25. To make cyclists and motorcyclists aware of your intentions, you should (1 point)

brake lightly.

tell them.

signal well in advance.


26. When driving a smaller, less powerful car, you should (1 point)

be sure to stay close to other small cars.

allow yourself extra time and space to pass another vehicle.

speed up to gather momentum to climb hills.

weave in order to see around cars in front.

27. Because they sit up high, truck drivers have excellent visibility (1 point)


to the side.

to the back.

underneath cars in front.

28. Light trucks are different than cars because they (1 point)

are lighter.

are smaller.

are heavier.

take less distance to stop.

29. Complex intersections (1 point)

are where two major roadways cross paths.

are the same things as roundabouts.

are not usually a site for vehicle collisions.

are important to pedestrians.

30. When managing visibility at an intersection, you should scan for (1 point)

signs, pedestrians, and other vehicles.

store fronts.

police officers.

complex intersections.

31. When sharing the road with a large vehicle, such as an 80,000-lb truck, (1 point)

you will not need as much time to pass the truck as you would need passing another smaller vehicle.

you will notice that the larger vehicle is easier to maneuver.

you will notice the vehicle's braking distance is much less than a car's.

you should increase your following distance.

32. An 80,000-lb truck's braking distance is typically _____ the distance of a car's. (1 point)



four times

five times

33. Drivers should allow a minimum of ____ feet of space when passing a cyclist. (1 point)





34. The visibility and handling factors that apply to trucks also apply to (1 point)



small cars.

buses.|||a few, that's half, all common sense questions read the book you'll never know if someone else does it for you and you will get into an accident because" you didn't know" then you will come on to answers and ask why this happened.

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